Crowns & Bridges

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a restoration that covers the surfaces of a damaged or discoloured tooth. It is often made of either some type of metal alloy, ceramic, or a combination of both.
Dental crowns are very important for teeth that are prone to fracturing, especially teeth that have had root canal treatment in the past. These restorations are moderate-highly priced, but often have a much greater longevity than other materials. Dental crowns usually last between 10-20 years, depending on how well it has been maintained.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a type of restoration that can replace a missing tooth, as long as there is enough support from the adjacent teeth. There are many variations of dental bridges depending on different scenarios.

For example, sometimes a ‘cantilever bridge’ can be done where a missing tooth is replaced with a dental crown, and hangs onto just one healthy tooth on one side of it.

As long as the supporting teeth for a dental bridge stay healthy, a conventional bridge can last 10-15 years or more. Similar to dental crowns, they are made of either some type of metal alloy, ceramic, or a combination of both.


Before After
Before After

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of whether you would like to explore the option of a Dental Crown or Bridge

Contact us on 03 9457 2347, or email us at, and simply state you’d like a Dental Crown or Bridge consultation, and we will handle the rest!

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